Me Earl and the Dying Girl

    Me Earl and the Dying Girl is a young adult novel, written by Jesse Andrews. The main character is Greg Gaines, Earl is his “coworker”, and Rachel is “the dying girl”. I’m not going to try to tell you that it’s so sad because Rachel is dying and her friends have to experience it, because this book isn’t about that. Yes, Rachel does get Luekiamia and has to struggle, but this book is more about Greg’s humorous take on high school and life,

   Greg and Earl are filmmakers, they call each other “coworkers” because they don’t really consider them best friends but just two people who make films together. Their relationship and more about themselves is later discussed in the book, so I won’t talk too much about that. Rachel and Greg are sort of friends. Something happened between them a while back and when Rachel gets luekiemia they become better friends.

    I know I said this for another one if my book blogs, but you really have to be mature to read this. The humor side of this novel is more mature, so be aware of that. This book is most about how Greg lives his high school life, and how he changes after he started talking to Rachel again. It’s not too dramatic, if you enjoy very dramatic and sad books I don’t think this is the book. It’s a funny book about death. That for some reason,  I really like. My favorite thing about the book is how the auhtor made the tone really loose and keeps it interesting. I would recommend Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl to anyone who thinks they might like it.
